Malletit credit Jaakko Paarvala

Encounters Club - Mishima!

Fri 30/09/2022 21:00 - 22:30
Free entry


Xavi Castelló, percussion
Kazutaka Morita, percussion

Pekka Kuusisto, violin 
Eva Ballaz, violin
Lotta Poijärvi, viola
Lauri Kankkunen, cello

“When silence is prolonged over a certain period of time, it takes on new meaning”. With this thought, the Japanese author Yukio Mishima (1925-1970) wants to bring us to a new cognitive world, where all of our senses are at play. 

Another time and another side of the globe - Philip Glass and his music, based on repetitive phrases and shifting layers, does something quite similar. With each repetition, the melodies and the harmonies forms a kind of mantra, that invites our mind to run free and explore our thoughts.  

The popular Encounters Club is an arena for creative ideas and surprising encounters with performances by the Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra’s musicians and friends.

The Encounters Club is open to all and free of charge, and it takes place on Fridays around once a month in the main foyer of the Helsinki Music Centre.

Free admission – welcome! The programme begins at 9pm after the evening’s concert, and the café is open until 10:30pm.



Xavi Castelló Aràndiga
Kazutaka Morita
Pekka Kuusisto
Eva Ballaz
Lotta Poijärvi
Lauri Kankkunen
Chamber music
Main Foyer
Xavi Castelló Aràndiga
Kazutaka Morita
Pekka Kuusisto
Eva Ballaz
Lotta Poijärvi
Lauri Kankkunen