Magic fairy-tale birds fly in concert curated by composer Anna Clyne in which the verses of guest poets build a bridge from one piece to another.
Magic fairy-tale birds fly in a fiery concert curated by composer Anna Clyne in which the verses of guest poets build a bridge from one composition to another. From the ashes of Hanna Eisendle's scorching Heliosis rises Thea Musgrave's fantastic Phoenix. Anna Clyne's nocturnal waltz plays to the sounds of violas in the Midnight Hour. The world's most famous orchestral piece, Igor Stravinsky's Firebird, also shows up for the dances.
This concert is organised in cooperation with Tekstin talo, a new community that supports literature and writing. At its core are encounters between authors and audiences, enabling new creative activities and supporting the versatility of literature. Tekstin talo has invited four authors with distinctive voices to write new texts in the form of a dialogue with the music featured in the concert programme.