Pekka Kauppinen
Aleksis Kivi is probably my biggest hero.
I grew up for the most part in Lappeenranta in Eastern Finland. My way of speaking must have changed, with the exception of personal pronouns, when I came to Helsinki to study in the mid-1980s. I joined the orchestra in 1991 after the only audition of my life. An incredible 30 years have passed, and great music has lost none of its fascination for me. I prefer to play versatile repertoires with rhythmic challenges and surprising harmonies.
East Helsinki with its maritime scenery has established itself as my home. I particularly enjoy Laajasalo sports park, the services of which I have been eagerly using for almost 20 years. In my free time, I follow the NHL and read all kinds of things. I really enjoy the creative use of language, and Aleksis Kivi is probably my biggest hero.