Starting on Nov 29, Covid-19 passport will be required
Finnish government has set new restrictions for restaurants, and they will affect also Musiikkitalo’s operations. As Musiikkitalo’s foyers are considered as restaurant space, a Covid-19 passport will be required from all visitors who are 16 years or older.
Musiikkitalo will begin checking the Covid-19 passports on Monday Nov 29. They will be checked on all three entrances: Mannerheimintie, Kansalaistori and Aimo Park Finlandia. The customer can present their passport either on paper or on their mobile device. If the customer can’t present a valid Covid-19 passport, entry to the venue will be denied.
Find out more information from Musiikkitalo website, link here.
Vaccination is not compulsory in order to get a Covid-19 passport. The vaccination certificate is only one of the certificates. The others are the test certificate and the certificate of recovery. Any one of these three can be used. Musiikkitalo does not arrange tests in its premises, so the test certificate must be obtained in advance.
Please find out more about the certificates and Covid-19 passport at Kanta.fi-service, link here.
Instructions for returning tickets
Returning single tickets
If you have bought single tickets before Nov 29th 2021 for concerts in the period Dec 1st 2021 – Jan 6th 2022, and you do not have a valid covid certificate by the concertdate, you may return your purchased ticked by the concert day at the latest by filling out the form below. You will get a confirmation per e-mail once you’ve sent the form.
If you have tickets in multiple orders, we kindly ask you to fill in one form per order/ordernumber. The return is always for a whole order and all the tickets within it. It’s not possible to alter information in the form once it’s been sent. As per Ticketmaster’s refund policy it’s only possible to get a refund on the actual ticket price. The refund does therefore not cover service-, shipping or orderfees.
HPO single tickets for the spring season go on sale on December 9th 2021. We ask you to prepare in advance that the COVID certificate may be required at events at the Music Centre in the spring of 2022.
Tickets included in season tickets spring 2022
We kindly ask you to prepare in advance that the COVID certificate may be in use also for events at the Music Centre in the spring of 2022. We will inform on practices for spring 2022 season tickets separately.