
Tales of the Night

Fri 03/11/2023 19:00 - 20:00


The tales of One Thousand and One Nights come to life in Rimsky-Korsakov's Scheherazade. Navigating by the stars inspires Salina Fisher's Tupaia.

The tales of One Thousand and One Nights come to life in Rimsky-Korsakov's Scheherazade, and navigating by the swell, sea currents and stars is a source of inspiration in New Zealand composer Salina Fisher's Tupaia.

New! This concert has no intermission and will also be performed as a matinee on Friday afternoon.

Tianyi Lu

Tianyi Lu is Conductor-in-Residence with the Stavanger Symphony Orchestra in Norway and Female-Conductor-in-Residence with the Welsh National Opera in the UK. Additionally, she is Principal Conductor of the British St Woolos Sinfonia. Lu collaborates with many renown international orchestras and opera houses.

Chinese-born New Zealander Lu studied at the University of Auckland in New Zealand, the University of Melbourne in Australia, and in the UK at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, where she graduated in conducting in 2015.

At her school of music gala in 2010, Tianyi, then a 20-year-old flute player, said her ultimate dream was to become a conductor. As the Auckland University alumni page advocates: ’Watch Tianyi Lu in action and you soon realise she was born to be a conductor. Her grace and presence on stage and her obvious passion for music makes you realise this is someone who is clearly living the dream.’

With the first performance of Tupaia in Finland, Lu’s debut with the Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra is truly a greeting from New Zealand.


Salina Fisher: Tupaia

Salina Fisher (b. 1993) studied composition and the violin both at home in New Zealand and in New York. She has had several prestigious residences and been the winner of many composition prizes. Her works are often inspired by nature and history, or by her Japanese-New Zealand heritage. Tupaia (2018) was commissioned jointly by the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra and the Albany Symphony Orchestra and was premiered in 2018. It recalls James Cook’s first voyage to the Pacific on HMS Endeavour in 1796. During their time in Tahiti, the crew got to know Tupaia, a master Polynesian navigator and priest. Highly skilled in traditional navigation based on the sea, swells, currents, winds and stars, Tupaia was invited to join the crew and played a vital role in their landing in New Zealand. His fascinating record of cultural and navigational interaction inspired Fisher’s compositional process drawing on the idea of celestial navigation.

Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov: Scheherazade, Symphonic Suite, Op. 35

By far the most popular of the many works by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov (1844–1908) has always been his symphonic suite Scheherazade. It has been turned into a ballet, and often pops up in TV programmes and ice-skating championships. Rimsky-Korsakov was inspired to compose it after reading the tales known as The Thousand and One Nights (or Arabian Nights) that had fired the imagination of European readers with their thirst for the exotic in the 1880s.

The movements are: The Sea and Sinbad’s ShipThe Legend of the Kalendar PrinceThe Young Prince and the Young Princess and Festival at Baghdad. The Sea. The Ship Breaks against a Cliff Surmounted by a Bronze Horseman. The movements do not, however, refer to any particular tale, so listeners are free to imagine whatever they like. The often heard solo violin melody represents the young Scheherazade telling her husband tales to forestall his plan to kill her, and the recurring brass theme is the tyrannical sultan himself.

Violin 1
Pekka Kauppinen
Jukka Merjanen
Kaija Lukas
Maiju Kauppinen
Kalinka Pirinen
Totti Hakkarainen
Petri Päivärinne
Elina Lehto
Katariina Jämsä
Ilkka Lehtonen
Elina Viitasaari
Helmi Kuusi 
Jani Lehtonen
Anna-Maria Huohvanainen
Pauline Fleming-Unelius
Tuomas Ikonen

Violin 2
Tuuli Talvitie
Kari Olamaa
Teija Kivinen
Liam Mansfield
Harry Rayner
Terhi Ignatius
Heidi Kuula
Sanna Kokko
Teppo Ali-Mattila
Leena Jaakkola
Krista Rosenberg
Virpi Taskila
Eva Ballaz
Heini Eklund

Torsten Tiebout
Lotta Poijärvi
Aulikki Haahti-Turunen
Liisa Orava
Hajnalka Standi-Pulakka
Kaarina Ikonen
Tiila Kangas
Carmen Moggach
Mariette Reefman
Ulla Knuuttila
Aida Hadzajlic

Lauri Kankkunen
Tuomas Ylinen
Basile Ausländer
Beata Antikainen
Jaakko Rajamäki
Fransien Paananen
Mathias Hortling
Veli-Matti Iljin
Ilmo Saaristo
Joanna Hanhikoski

Ville Väätäinen
Mehdi Nejjoum-Barthélémy
Henri Dunderfelt
Eero Ignatius
Paul Aksman
Sami Koivukangas
Juraj Valencik
Tuomo Matero


Elina Raijas
Päivi Korhonen
Jenny Villanen

Hannu Perttilä
Jussi Jaatinen
Paula Malmivaara

Anna-Maija Korsimaa
Sonja Lankinen
Nora Niskanen

Markus Tuukkanen
Arvid Larsson
Mikko-Pekka Svala

Mika Paajanen
Miska Miettunen
Jonathan Nikkinen
Sam Parkkonen
Joonas Seppelin

Thomas Bugnot
Pasqual Llopis Diago
Obin Meurin

Nir Erez
Francisco Couto
Jussi Vuorinen

Ilkka Marttila

Tomi Wikström

Xavi Castelló Aràndiga
Pasi Suomalainen
Mikael Sandström
Petri Piiparinen
Elmeri Uusikorpi

Minnaleena Jankko 



Tianyi Lu


    Salina Fisher
    Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov
Musiikkitalo Concert Hall
Tianyi Lu
Salina Fisher
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov