Sävellysten hedelmäkori

A Fruit Salad of Music

Would you like to see how a concert or a composition is made up? Have a look in the fruit salad of music!

A musical work and each of its movements has its architecture, referred to as form. This may be thought of as path that helps the listener understand what the composer is doing in the music. The composer may also consciously decide not to conform to a particular form. Concerts are often planned following a conventional pattern, which can also be called a form. Compositions have their form, as do their movements, and thus a concert may be seen as a structure made up of concentric forms.

Form of a symphony concert
A symphony concert conventionally features three works: an opening work (overture), a soloist work (concerto) and an orchestral work (often a symphony), the latter with the orchestra in the main role.

Sinfonisia teoksia
Sinfonisten teosten rakenteita
Musiikkia verrataan usein matematiikkaan tai arkkitehtuuriin. Mitä sillä tarkoitetaan? Alla esimerkkejä rakenteista, jotka saattavat piillä teosten takana.

Sonata form

The sonata form is typically found in the first movement of a concerto or a symphony.


Rondo on tyypillinen konserton osan rakenne. Siinä on useita teemoja, joista yksi toistuu.


The passacaglia is a form that is based on repetitions of an unchanging melodic line over which the music is constructed.


The minuet was originally a solemn courtly dance in triple time, dating from the Baroque era.


Variation form is an open-ended structure that features a theme and a number of variations on that theme.


Sävellys voidaan muodostaa motiivin ympärille.

Sävelten väliset suhteet

Hierarkiat sävelten välillä määrittelevät kuulokuvaa. Ne muodostavat teoksen harmonian.


Aleatorinen sävellys muodostuu esityshetkellä.

Nykymusiikin piirteitä

Nykymusiikki voi palata mille tahansa aikakaudelle tai kurkottaa sävelten ulkopuolelle.