Single tickets from 11 August
The theme of the upcoming concert season of the Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra is Finland and Finnish music. The majority of the season’s guest conductors are Finnish, almost thirty Finnish composers are featured in the programme, and five of the works will be premieres.
The concert season also celebrates an anniversary: the Orchestra of the Helsinki Philharmonic Society, today known as the Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, performed its first concert in October 1882. The jubilee concert in May reproduces the first concert 140 years ago. Susanna Mälkki’s term as Chief Conductor of the HPO culminates in the orchestra's visit to Carnegie Hall in May. The last time the orchestra performed in New York's prestigious concert venue was in 1968.
Single tickets go on sale 11 August in Musiikkitalo box office and other Ticketmaster outlets, phone service 0600 10800 (2,00 € min+lnc) and in Ticketmaster webstore.